Stuff for Agora Road

Over the time I've spent on Agora Road, I've ended up making a lot of odds and ends to post there. It's only now that I've decided to put these on my website, so... enjoy!

From what I can remember, these two userbars are the first things I ever made on/for Agora Road.

I've been thinking that the site banner looks a little lackluster, so I made a thread for people to make their own alternatives. Of course, I've been making a few of my own, too:

This one was originally a forum signature by №56 that he said would work better as a banner. He couldn't figure out how he wanted to adapt it, so I took a stab at it.

In one "Signature of the Month" thread, I decided to take a stab at making something new besides the signature that I've already been using. I started off with something more similar to what I've already made...

...then moved on to do something that was more in line with the traditional forum signatures that the OP posted tutorials for.

This one was made for the "Ancient History" theme:

After the last few being very dark and edgy, I decided to lighten things up with a picture of Komiya Chihiro from Shounen Maid. The theme for this competition was to just make something for a character, and Chihiro tends to take things seriously with rare moments of happiness, so I figured he'd be an apropos subject.

And finally, as a reward for making it this far, I shall gift you a very useful forum weapon: